Links to my favorite sites

This is a link to my dear friends page.
Kat is my dear, dear, dear friend and roommate. Visit her site. She doesn't have too many friends, and it might cull her suicidal tendancies for an hour if she sees you've been there. Just kidding.
This is a wonderful site.
Hey, if you're bored, go to This helps to pass the sleepless nights, and sooth the inner beast. Sigh. With links like crappy picture of the day, how could you ever go wrong.
The Darwin Awards
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the shallow end of the gene wading pool. Do I really need to give more of an explanation?
My freind Stasia
This is my resident tatoo artist, and very good friend Anastasia's webpage. She does beautiful work. I hope to someday get some good pics of my tatoos, and put them here.
My big bro Tal
This is my adopted big brother's page. Go see it. Tal is really really cool. The page is still under construction, but once it gets finished, it'll be sweet.
Hee hee.
This is funky pages, and it is loads of fun. All sorts of weird shit.

More than you ever wanted to know about me
New things in my life
Bizarre News