This is Halloween


So. Here I am again. In a mess. As usual. One of my ex boyfriends just wrote me a letter, professing that he is still in love with me. And that he doesn't really want to see me anymore, because it hurts. To see me with my new boyfriend, I guess. I'm not really sure what to say to that. I mean, what does he want to hear? That I still love him? I do, but can I ever be with him again? No. He's just........well, I try not to get down on anyone for doing their own thing, but as far as life is concerned, he's just kind of...going nowhere fast. Downward spiral. Lots of drugs, and the like. I can't be his savior. Or whatever it is he wants. I don't even know what he wants. He's so enigmatic. Always been that way really. My friend told me not to take it to heart. How can I not? How can you break someones heart, then spend the next two years regretting it, and then, when you finally get over it, they send you a letter telling you things like that. For the longest time, a day didn't go by when I didn't think about him, and then, suddenly....yeah. What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to feel? Supporter of the Adopt a Dragon Foundation

I know, I know. It's cheezy. But it's cute. Here's my dragon, Tristam.

Back to the beginning
The page where I rant about me
Places to go, people to see...
Stupid people, and stupid things they've done