The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth, or a man or woman left to say, I will redress that wrong, or spend my life in the attempt.

And there you have it. Some of the finest words to ever be said. I like the idea that chivalry still exists. I like it about as much as I like chocolate, or faeries.
You know. The essentials of life.

I suppose I should probably warn you that my site is slightly under remodeling, and is nowhere near done. So, don't hold it against me. I promise that someday soon I will add more to the bizarre stuff page. And I'll put in some good pictures of my tatoos. And a page about faeries. And all sorts of other neat things. But, for now, I'll have to stick with the basics.

All right, just for my buddies at dailyconfession, here's a pic of me

News in my life
Stupid people page